Congratulations Carole
Design Team Challenge winner for January!
Congratulations on your first win as part of our Design Team.
Life of a Drama Queen
Congratulations Carole
Design Team Challenge winner for January!
Congratulations on your first win as part of our Design Team.
Life of a Drama Queen
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Accents 2 Scrapbooking
2:14 PM
Mail swap (finished 2 sets of cards - gotta mail it) - DONE
Mail SU catalogs for 4 - DONE (times 4, lol)
Complete 2 sets of 2 8x8 pages honoring a friend who passed away (breast cancer)- pages will be given to her children
Plan TEN sets of page layouts for my scrapping group's retreat next month
Print pictures for above
ADDED: Make up the rest of the cards from Saturday's Stamp Club meeting (I always cut extras and make up those to replenish my card box :) ~ Working on this one this evening to relax! (3 sets of cards)1 set done, 1 in progress
Get Photoshop Elements working - DONE - HALLELUJAH! Been fussing over this for WEEKS!
Posted by
7:27 PM
I posted to my blog just now a 15 minute challenge! I am doing a cyber crop with some friends this week. One of the aspects I am trying to inspire others with is my 15 minute challenge...
if you are interested, please go to my blog (look right in the links for Nanc) and check it out.
I'd love to see what YOU get done this week!
(I'll be glad to repost it here if The Head Queen prefers, but it's long, lol!!!)
Hugs! Off to stamp now!
Posted by
3:44 PM